A random 1 AM thought

Ever wondered why we get attracted to someone so easily even if we met the person a few days back? Ever wondered, despite having trust issues in life why we still end up trusting someone so easily? Is it that the person is really special or it’s just us? Only if the life was as beautiful as it is in books and movies. Like one fine day someone enters into our life out of nowhere and we develop a special bond and BOOM he/she turns out to be our soulmate and we live happily ever after.

But it’s life babe! The lemons it throws at us are so sour that the lemonade turns out to be a poison.

That person who made you smile even in your darkest days, that person who stood by you when no one was there, that person who handled your anxiety/ panic attacks even at 3 in the night, will leave you all alone when you need him /her the most.


Probably because he/she was using you when you were weak. He/She had no one else to spend time with ; so you were just yet another person to talk to. All those sweet promises ” I will always be with you ” are just beautiful lies. They never understood. They never cared.

What do they get in return? NOTHING ; Cause they were never serious.

What do you get in return? More anxiety, depression, trust issues and a broken heart.

We all are humans. We need a soul to rely on. But we often choose the wrong ones. Not once or twice but multiple times. It’s not our fault. It’s not their fault as well. It’s just how life is.

You ask ” How can we stop this?”Well.. the simplest yet most difficult way to stop this is to stop expecting. Start accepting. People come and go. No one is permanent. I know it looks good in books and sounds good when said. Our heart never accepts this. Even I don’t know if I have ever accepted this.

It’s 1 AM here as i am writing this.. letting my heart out. I know I am not alone who feels like this. There are many out there. So today I decided to make others realise that they are not alone as well.

Coz darling, life’s a nightmare dressed like a daydream

There may be a continuation of this post.. so keep waiting.My heart is not calm yet.

3 Comments Add yours

  1. “We need a soul to rely on. But we often choose the wrong ones.” This is so true because we don’t wait on GOD to lead us to the right ones. We choose on our own out of fleshy and lustful desire to fill and cover the pain from a past broken relationship. We need to heal and to rediscover ourselves before we can move forward. God bless and continue to heal your heart and emotions. ❤

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